The Coliseum Central Annual Meeting will take place Tuesday, February 25 from 8:30-10:30AM at the Hampton Roads Convention Center.

This year’s theme is “Innovating Retail: Trends, Social Media and Exceptional Service for Tomorrow’s Success.”

Jenny Crittenden, President & CEO of Retail Alliance, will serve as the keynote speaker and discuss retail trends. Chad Batten of Park Lane Tavern will discuss customer service and Caroline Peabody f U Rock Art will discuss the impact of a strong social media presence.

The meeting will also include messages from the Mayor Jimmy Gray, Police Chief Jimmie Wideman as well as an awards ceremony highlighting the “Best of” Coliseum Central businesses.

If you work, conduct business, own property or have another vested interest in Coliseum Central, we encourage you to attend! This event is free and open to all members of the BID.

Vote Now for the

“Best of” Coliseum Central Awards

Coliseum Central wants to know who’s #1 in your book. Vote for the “Best of” Coliseum Central businesses by January 31. Winners will be announced at the Coliseum Central Annual Meeting.


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