August 5, 2025
Exhibit Hall C
Hampton Roads Convention Center
1610 Coliseum Drive
Hampton, Virginia 23666
The Annual Neighborhood Night Out Health & Safety Fair will take place at the Hampton Roads Convention Center on August 5 from 4-7PM. This FREE, family event takes place in conjunction with National Night Out to promote safety, wellness, crime prevention, neighborhood unity, and. of course, fun!
Local Police, Fire and Sheriff’s department will be on-hand to demonstrate safety vehicles and equipment. Kid-friendly activities include face-painting, balloon animals, games, music, and more!
Registration is now open for Coliseum Central Businesses
District businesses related to health, safety or crime prevention are invited to participate at no cost.
Benefits include:
- Individual 10′ x 10′ pipe and drape area with a table,
- table covering and two chairs.
- Ability to network with District businesses
- Connect with the community
- Sharing your organization’s mission
- Ability to distribute promotional items
- Participation in a long running, well advertised
- event
This is a great opportunity to promote your business, show your community support, and
network with other District businesses.